The storage area for large carriers or Building 03, is a covered area of about 11,600 sq m and has a two-fold purpose. During the hours from 00.00 to 04.00 every night, about 100 trucks with trailer, and smaller vans dock at this location. During this period of time, goods from the best production areas of our nation, as well as from abroad, are discharged. The majority of Italian foods are products that were still in the field or greenhouse the previous morning, yet are on consumers’ tables by late morning. As a result, our wholesale operators are able to ensure the freshness and healthfulness of the goods sold on a daily basis.
Building 3
An incredible number of handlers work at the “Tettoia Grandi Vettori”. They are approximately 700 and they are divided into 34 cooperatives and companies of various sizes.
These professionals are capable of unloading a truck in about 15 minutes thanks to special unloading bays, thus quickly delivering goods to wholesalers in Building 1.

The work of the handlers continues even beyond the opening hours of the market, so that all the vehicles of all the customers of the Centre who use their services can leave the “Tettoia Grandi Vettori” loaded with goods. This sometimes is divided into product picking, and stacked exactly as required by the new owners.

Through the Regulations and with the release of both the badges and the numerical marks to authorize the use of the handlers’ electric vehicles, the Managing Body intervenes in the oversight of the relationship with the handlers. Additionally, it conducts sample checks on the maintenance status of the vehicles.