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Cavendish banana
Product in Central America
There are many varieties of bananas, and they come from all over the world.
The Cavendish banana, for example, is a very common banana from East Asia. As is generally the case with this type of fruit, if over-ripe, they tend to blacken their yellow flesh and outer skin.
Bananas provide pro-vitamin A, vitamin C and B vitamins. Among minerals, the high concentration of potassium stands out, but bananas also contain iron, phosphorus, copper and calcium. This mix of minerals makes them a useful fruit for those who are active and need to fight cramps and fatigue. They also help regulate blood pressure, again due to their potassium content, and help against stomach acidity, with a recognised soothing effect.
Price trend for the product "BANANE" by Kg - Last quarter
Exotic fruit - Central America
Last quote in euros: min. 0.00 max. 0.00