Seasonal products


Sultanas are a variety of grapes that we also know by the name of “raisins” or “raisins”. This is obtained by drying grapes of...

Franquette Nuts

The Franquette variety, or French walnut, produces nuts so tasty that they are considered the best French walnut. The fruits have a slightly pointed...


Peanuts are the fruits of a plant belonging to the Fabaceae family. The edible seeds are an important source of vitamins and mineral salts,...

Papaya Formosa

Formosa papaya belongs to the Caricaceae family. With an elongated shape and medium-large dimensions, it can weigh up to 1 kg. The thin peel...

William Pear

The Williams variety was born at the end of the 1700s in England, where the young William Pear began the cultivation and distribution of...

Peaches Nectarines

The nectarine is the fruit of the peach tree, a tree belonging to the Rosaceae family, native to China. It is a fleshy, rounded...


Avocado is the fruit of the avocado tree, grown mainly in tropical areas, but recently it has also been cultivated in Italy, particularly in...

Duroni Cherries

Duracine cherries, more commonly called corns, are larger than classic cherries and have a dark color and crunchy pulp. They have known detoxifying and...


The apricot is a typically summer fruit harvested between May and July, widely spread in the Mediterranean basin since ancient times thanks to its...

Bianchetto Lemons

Bianchetto is the spring lemon, fruit of the second flowering. The lemon plant has a tail flowering which occurs around the months of June-July,...

Valencia Oranges

Oranges of the Valencia variety are a late variety as they are harvested from April to June. Among the blond pulp oranges, they are...


Grapefruit is the fruit of the evergreen plant of the same name, native to the tropical regions of Asia. It is a large and...