frutta di stagione cachi freschi su tavolo rustico
Product in Emilia Romagna (Italy)

The persimmon, scientifically Diospoyros kaki which means ‘food of the gods’ in Greek, is a fruit belonging to the Ebenaceae family, also called Lotus of Japan, Apple of the Orient and Tree of Seven Virtues. The most common variety of persimmon in Italy is the ‘Loto di Romagna’.

The persimmon is a mine of vitamin A, with vitamin C and mineral salts. It contains a lot of sugar and tannins, is energetic, a tonic for the nervous system and liver, and antibacterial in gastroenteritis.

Price trend for the product "CACHI" by Kg - Last month
Fresh fruit - Emilia Romagna (Italy)
Last quote in euros: min. 3.20 max. 3.50

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