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Abate Fetel pear
Product in Emilia Romagna (Italy)
Abate Fetel is a low vigour Pear (Pyrus communis) cultivar, not perfectly related to Quince, with high but sometimes inconstant productivity. Abate Fetel has elongated fruit, with a medium length and thickness peduncle, russet, partially fleshy at the base. The skin is thin, light green-yellowish, red where exposed to the sun, smooth, russet near the peduncle insertion area and the calyx area, sprinkled with numerous depressed lenticels. The flesh is white, melting, semi-fine, juicy, sugary, very good.
Price trend for the product "PERE" by Kg - Last quarter
Fresh fruit - Emilia Romagna (Italy)
Last quote in euros: min. 2.20 max. 2.40